Take a good, long look at the bodacious tatas in your line of sight. Aren't they fucking marvelous in all their bounteous glory? We thought so, too. Christy sure does look hot in this corseted, tits-popping-out-everywhere outfit and honestly, that's why we like it. When we tried to describe it to someone, we said, 'Yeah, the one where she is in that corseted, tits-popping-out-everywhere outfit," and they promptly corrected us and said, "That's a cabaret outfit." Do you know anything about the cabaret? Yeah, neither do we. Do we care anything about the cabaret? That's a hell to the no. But we love tits and guess what? Tits look good in a cabaret outfit. And guess what else? They look even better out of a cabaret outfit. That's why when Christy takes it off, we salute her with our hard dicks. And although we've been told that there is some famous movie about the cabaret, where they invite us toe to the cabaret, we would much prefer to cum in Christy's cabaret cooze and call it a day.

They way how those toes curl